
  • After 30 years in the media, and getting up at all hours, working most vacations, and just about every weekend and holiday and then menopause hit, I really felt the effects of time. Add to that, countless hours of volunteering and giving away most of my time to others, I really felt my face reflected this loss of time. I wanted to look restored and renewed, but not like a fake storefront mannequin.

    Katherine kindly took the time to listen to my story, and gave me the time, respect and consideration I deserved. She knew that I didn’t want to go with that drastic-plastic look. After seeing Katherine for over 5 years, today, I look naturally youthful, which in turn makes me feel younger, confident, and more energetic. Katherine is my own personal time machine.

    Eramelinda Boquer Broadcast media professional

  • Ce message est destiné à toutes celles qui veulent rester jolies en vieillissant.

    Grâce à Katherine O'Neil, j'ai retrouvé la confiance en moi. En ayant des cicatrices d'acné et des rides qui apparaissaient, je me demandais comment j'allais passer à travers la ménopause sans trop paraître vieille.

    J'ai été conseillée pour mes besoins physiques et financiers. J'ai toujours été considéré même si j'ai un petit budget, ce qui n'est pas la même chose dans d'autres cliniques que j'ai consultées dans le passé. On m'a propose ce qui correspondait a mes besoins. J'ai eu du laser et des injections. Je suis ravie. Je marche la tête bien haute et fière de moi grâce à la formidable Katherine O'Neil.

    Je me sens bien dans ma peau et confiante. Cela se ressent au travail et dans mes amours. La vie est BELLE.

    Au revoir Katherine,

    Danielle Sincerny Représentante

  • To whom it may concern:

    I'm so happy I found Katherine, she's amazing at what she does. It's more than just her highly skilled hands and a great esthetic eye, I know she's at the cutting edge in this area of science. She is so well respected in her field she's called on to speak at medical conferences, and teach other professionals the latest techniques. These attributes impress me, but so does her warmth, intellect, and humor. I can't recommend her highly enough.

    Stella Palliser Entrepreneur

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